Every subscriber to sahajhost.com is equally important for us and we want them to enjoy our platform to fulfill their needs but anything abusing wont be tolerated as well as others cant be punished for one abuser on a shared hosting platform where resources are being shared among subscribers.

General Restrictions :

- Bulk Emails Sending   

- Porn/Sexual Video Hosting 

- Abusive Social or Political commenting

- Illegal  use of Software / Application 


Every pre-define criteria can be twisted or misinterpreted therefore in simple terms we reserves the right to suspend any account if we find them abusive / abnormal uses of our platform or bypassing existing rules in place. 

Maximum financial liability / claim on us can not be more than the "Subscription Amount" under any given criteria or circumstances.


We reserve the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion. sahajhost.com reserves the right to modify / change the terms of service at all times. All customers would be bound by the newest terms published on the website.